Smaki Tradycji
Wypoczynek i relaks gwarantowany
Tawerna Pod Kotwicą
Relaks i wypoczynek gwarantowany
bon turystyczny

Price list for the season 2021

01.01.2021 - 31.12.2021

Price per night

Accomodation Breakfast Dinner
Double room 120,00 20,00 40,00
Child till age of 3, room together witf parents Gratis Gratis Gratis
Summer house: Młynarzówka, Bosman, Morgan 300,00 20,00 40,00
Within: 30.04-2.05.2021 and 30.12.2021-2.01.2022 150,00 / room
400,00 / Summer house
Additional service
Bike rent Gratis Gratis Gratis
Renting a car Price for individual agreement
Transport from  or to the airport Price for individual agreement
Fishing (the price of fishing rods) 20 PLN per night
Wi-Fi Gratis
"Full fridge" package with local products
such as goat cheese, meats, bread, preserves
100-200 zł

General Conditions

  1. Room day starts at 4 p.m. – ends at 10 a.m. next day.
  2. Breakfast time: 8--10 a.m.; dinner 16-18 p.m.
    We can adjust the time of meals to guests needs.
  3. Group booking – for all rooms – price can be negotiated.
  4. Payment: cash or bank draft
  5. Booking confirmation: within 4 days from order to bank’s account, 30% advance
  6. Bank’s account in PLN: Bank Spółdzielczy w Leśnicy o/Dobrodzień, nr  PL 51 8907 1047 2005 4000 1381 0001 kod SWIFT: POLUPLPR
  7. Bank’s account in EUR: ING Bank Śląski, nr PL 95 1050 1171 1000 0090 7507 5169 kod SWIFT: INGBPLPW
  8. In case of resignation we do not pay back the advance.
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bon turystyczny

Price list for the season 2021

01.01.2021 - 31.12.2021

Price per night

Accomodation Breakfast Dinner
Double room 120,00 20,00 40,00
Child till age of 3, room together witf parents Gratis Gratis Gratis
Summer house: Młynarzówka, Bosman, Morgan 300,00 20,00 40,00
Within: 30.04-2.05.2021 and 30.12.2021-2.01.2022 150,00 / room
400,00 / Summer house
Additional service
Bike rent Gratis Gratis Gratis
Renting a car Price for individual agreement
Transport from  or to the airport Price for individual agreement
Fishing (the price of fishing rods) 20 PLN per night
Wi-Fi Gratis
"Full fridge" package with local products
such as goat cheese, meats, bread, preserves
100-200 zł

General Conditions

  1. Room day starts at 4 p.m. – ends at 10 a.m. next day.
  2. Breakfast time: 8--10 a.m.; dinner 16-18 p.m.
    We can adjust the time of meals to guests needs.
  3. Group booking – for all rooms – price can be negotiated.
  4. Payment: cash or bank draft
  5. Booking confirmation: within 4 days from order to bank’s account, 30% advance
  6. Bank’s account in PLN: Bank Spółdzielczy w Leśnicy o/Dobrodzień, nr  PL 51 8907 1047 2005 4000 1381 0001 kod SWIFT: POLUPLPR
  7. Bank’s account in EUR: ING Bank Śląski, nr PL 95 1050 1171 1000 0090 7507 5169 kod SWIFT: INGBPLPW
  8. In case of resignation we do not pay back the advance.